On this day - October 27th 1992 - The US marine, Allen Schindler, murdered for being gay
Allen R. Schindler, who worked as a radioman in the US navy, was brutally killed in a public toilet in Japan. He had at least four fatal injuries and his penis was cut. His family was only able to identify Schindler due to a tattoo on his arm, because his body was unrecognisable. Schindler had previous to the murder complained to his commanding officer about anti-gay harassment on the assault ship he worked on. Schindler har decided to leave the navy, be his superiors had insisted he remained on the ship until his separation-process was finished. His murderer, airman apprentice Helvey, was sentenced to lifetime in prison. The murdered sparked a debate about gays in the US military culminating in the "Don't ask, don't tell" bill. This bill prohibit military personell from discriminating against or harassing against closet homosexuals and it prohibit openly gay, lesbian and bisexual persons from military service.
Allen R. Schindler died at the young age of 22 due to other peoples hatred. While his death caused a shift for the Navy LGBT rights still remains an issue until this day.

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